Nutrition Officer
Job Description:
Medical Teams International is a Christian humanitarian relief agency focused on providing life-saving medical care for people in crisis. We serve all people—regardless of religion, nationality, sex, or race.
Our calling is Daring to love like Jesus, we boldly break barriers to health and restore wholeness in a hurting world.
Medical Team International Gondar Coordination Office looking for qualified applicant for the following position:
To ensure quality Nutrition care services for vulnerable refugee and host populations in MTI operation in Ethiopia. This position will be responsible for ensuring adequate support of HC, HP and communities where the project is located.
Essential Duties / Responsibilities:
- Provide technical and logistical support to the woreda health sector for effective implementation of nutrition interventions activities
- Analyzing and reporting nutrition situation and prevailing trends
- Promote gender equity and equality through each level of nutrition activities
- Plan with HEWs and other health workers working in TFP for effective, sustainable and efficient implementation of nutrition intervention
- Provide Woreda level basic CMAM and IYCF trainings to HEWs/Other health professional
- Provide technical support to MoH health staff on management of Sever Acute Malnutrition (SAM) and IYCF
- Will provide technical support from screening to discharge (admission, treatment, follow up and referral) to provide care to under five years old malnourished children and uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition cases
- Perform supportive supervision of CMAM and IYCF activities and ensure they are implemented as planned
- Supervising admission of patients to TFP and SFP
- Supervising treatment and progress of patients
- Ensuring adherence to and respect of current protocols
- Assist HEWs on Health Development Armies’ (HDAs) training and ensure strengthened relationship between HDAs and HEWs
- Ensure the appropriate referral system between SCs, OTPs TSFPs and IYCF
- Ensure the cards, registration books and other necessary formats are filled and documented proper
- Liaise with ministry of health institutions, DPPD and other government organization at Woreda and Kebele Level pertaining to CMAM activities
Supervision and support the CMAM activities
- Ensure the CMAM coverage reach above 50% for rural and above 70% for urban community and the other standard performance indicators are met appropriately
- Ensure that the families of malnourished children receive appropriate education and participated in the nutrition program
- Ensure the nutrition items are provided to the health facilities and reach to the intended beneficiaries
- Collect weekly TFP and SFP data (admission and exit status) and report weekly and monthly with narrative reports to nutrition project coordinator; and ensure report reaches to MoH through its chain
- Establishing linkage with community leaders and representatives
- Participate on health and nutrition related assessments
- Organize review meeting at each woreda to review the progress of health intervention at the woreda level.
- Perform another Other duties as required
Additional activities
- Support other areas of the office as requested or needed to ensure efficiency and quality of work for all
- Maintain a clean and safe working environment, disposing of waste appropriately
This position requires frequent travel to health facilities located in remote areas with very basic living conditions.
Place of Work:Alemwach
Required Number:One /1
Work Days & Hours: Monday-Friday, 40-48 hours/week, occasional weekends and public holidays
Job Requirements:
- BSC Degree in Nursing or Health Officer or Nutrition
- At least 3 years of experience working at a PHC. 1 years’ experience managing operation of health services within INGO.
- Knowledge of development & humanitarian issues and concepts
- Fluent spoken and written Amharic and English.
- Strong interpersonal and team skills
- Proven ability to be flexible in demanding situations
- Excellent communicator
- Ability to adapt to a changing environment
- Negotiation and representation skills
- Analytical and problem solving Computer literate, able to work efficiently in Microsoft office on standard or mobile platforms.
- Humanitarian motivation
- Emotionally and spiritually mature
- Team player – practical, desire to support the field teams.
- Willingness to pitch in and get the job done
- Understanding and sensitivity to cross cultural issues
- Flexible and adaptable to ever changing environments
- Ability to remain calm under pressure
- Able to build new relationships and gain people’s trust quickly
- Integrity in representing Medical Teams Willing to travel to insecure environments
- Ability to work cooperatively in a team environment
- Ability to prioritize tasks
- Ability to embrace and promote MTI’s mission and vision
- Ability to uphold and exemplify the organization’s core values
- Ability to represent the organization in a professional manner to donors, volunteers, and the public
How To Apply:
Interested applicants who met the MINIMUM requirements should apply on or before 07 December 2022 at MTI’s Gondar Coordination office, Address: Infront of Roseau Hotel, Gondar.
Email a cover letter, valid CV and scanned copies of all relevant documents to Medical Teams International: [email protected]
- Kindly write the position title you are applying for in the email subject line, “Nutrition Officer ”
All applications must include a CV and copies of all applicable educational and work experience documents to be considered valid. Applicants called for an interview will be required to produce the original and legally valid copies of all documents.
“We are an equal employment opportunity organization dedicated to our core values of Accountability, Courageous, Tenacious, Selfless and Not alone.”
Qualified female applicants are highly encouraged to apply.