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St Lideta Lemariyam Health Science And Business College vacancy announcement

St Lideta Lemariyam Health Science And Business College vacancy announcement, December 19 2022




Organization: St Lideta Lemariyam Health Science And Business College

Location: Addis Ababa

Employment: Full Time

Date of Announcement: December 18 2022

Deadline: December 27 2022





1. Position: Pharmacy Lab Assistant

Job requirements

Educational Level: BSc/ Level IV in Pharmacy, Pharmacy Technician or related fields

Relevant experience: 3 years of work experience in the profession

Special Skills: Enough Laboratory Technology and Computer Knowledge

– You need to provide COC

Level: VI

Quantity: 2


2. Position: Lecturer

Educational level: Degree and above in Nursing field of study

Relevant experience: 2 years work experience in the field

Special Skills: COC, has taken Teaching methodology (የማስተማር ስነ-ዘዴ የወሰደ) and has trainer certificate

– You need to Provide COC

– Level: 7

Quantity: 2


3. Position: Lecturer

Educational level: Masters degree in Adult Nursing or Pediatrics Nursing fields or study

Relevant experience: 2 years of work experience

Special Skill: Enough Computer and teaching methodology training certificate

Level: 8


4. Position: Lecturer

Educational Level: Masters Degree and above in Pharmacology field of study

Relevant Experience: 2 years and above

Special Skill: Enough Computer and teaching skill

Level: 8

Quantity: 2


5. Position: Lecturer

Educational Level: Masters degree and above in Pharmaceutical analysis and related field

Relevant experience: 2 years work experience in the profession

Special Skill: Enough Computer and teaching skill

Level: 8


6. Position: Lecturer

Educational Level: Masters degree and above in Physical Pharmacy and pharmaceutics and related field

Relevant Experience: 2 years and above work experience in the profession

Special Skill: Enough Computer and teaching Skill

Level: 8

Quantity: 2


How To Apply


Candidate a who fulfill the above requirements can apply in person by bringing their educational and job experience documents in person to St Lideta Lemariyam health science and business college, first floor bureau number 104 within 7 consecutive working days starting from the date of announcement of this vacancy.

– Address: In front of Balcha Hospital, Kidist Lideta building

For more information:

Call 0115508338


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