MEAL senior project officer – Concern Worldwide, November 27 2022
MEAL senior project officer
Job Description
Job Purpose:
The Monitoring, Evaluation Accountability and Learning (MEAL) officer is responsible for supporting Concern team working for REGRADE & other program/projects implementing in Central Gondar in the area of monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning activities in accordance to Concern MEAL system. This position is responsible for data management (data collation, entry, analysis, interpretation and reporting), developing different reporting formats and checklists, updating and maintaining databases and proper project documentation for accountability and learning. Responsible for making sure that appropriate Compliance Response Mechanism (CRM) put in place, complaints are welcomed and handled as per the procedure in place.The jobholder will be responsible for documentation and sharing of key learning for the improvement of the project.
Main duties & Responsibilities
- Support the team working for REGRADE & other program/projects implementing in Central Gondar in particular for the management and implementation of field-level M&E data collection activities
- Support staff in the collection of activity- and output-level monitoring data during activity implementation
- Carry out data collection where it is an M&E responsibility in M&E plans
- Ensure that M&E systems are being implemented to plan at the field level and communicate any issues or inefficiencies that arise to the project Manager and MEAL units in a timely and proactive manner
- Support training for external enumerators or partner staff that conduct baseline, midterm, and end line surveys (including ethics and safety, sampling and respondent selection, device use, as well as survey contents)
- Field manage external enumerators or partner staff while conducting baseline, midterm, and end line surveys
- Support program staff in accessing and utilizing data
- Develop or use standard monitoring tools
- Support joint monitoring efforts with stakeholders
- Provide field-level support to program staff in device management and utilization of the Concern DDG application
- Strengthen the monitoring and evaluation systems for the REGRADE & other program/projects in Central Gondar; ensuring the project M&E plans are implemented and revised as necessary, all staff and partners understand their roles related to M&E and all programme documentation is based on robust data
- Support Progress Review and Results-Based Review of the projects
- Carryout documentation and sharing of project impact and learnings.
- Actively promote sharing of learnings from baselines, annual reviews, end lines reviews and evaluations internally and externally.
- Support project learning reviews and donor reports, as required
Emergency response
- Concern is committed to responding to emergencies efficiently and effectively in order to help affected people meet their basic needs, alleviate suffering and maintain their dignity. To this end, when emergencies strike and the Ethiopia Program is to respond, all staff are required to actively participate in the response, regardless of location and contribute to the efforts aimed at achieving the humanitarian objective of the organization.
- Participate and contribute as necessary towards Concern’s Emergency response as and when necessary
- Comply with Concern’s health, safety and security guidelines during emergencies
- Able to seek appropriate advice and report concerns, and feel confident that they have been understood.
- Understands local safeguarding structures and arrangements.
- Practices in a manner that seeks to reduce the risk of abuse, harm or neglect.
- Identifies and refers to appropriate services any other associated persons including careers, family members and children at risk.
- Able to document safeguarding concerns, and maintain appropriate record-keeping, recording the wishes and views of the adult or child at risk, differentiating between fact and opinion.
- In line with Concern’s commitments under the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS).
- actively promote meaningful community participation and consultation at all stages of the project cycle (planning, implementation, M&E).
- work with relevant colleagues to ensure that the Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM) is functional and accessible, that feedback and complaints are welcomed and addressed
- Work with relevant colleagues to ensure that information about CRM, safeguarding and expected staff behaviour is disseminated among programme participants and communities.
Gender Equality
- Carry out gender analysis and gender related assessments
- Oversee the development and monitoring of gender sensitive indicators.
- Regularly monitor, review and evaluate the implementation of programs on gender mainstreaming, take appropriate and timely action and extract lessons learned for future program development and implementation.
- Document best practices on the implementation of gender mainstreaming.
- Perform other duties assigned by the line manager.
Job Requirements
Person specification:
- Bachelor’s degree in social science (research related), Monitoring and Evaluation, statistics, Nutrition/Health Monitoring, Public health etc. and other relevant fields of studies (related to M&E, development, research, data analysis, etc.) with over two years of relevant experience .
- Experience in humanitarian programming in addition to development programming is an advantage
- Clear understanding and experience in directly implementing primary quantitative data collection (surveys, etc.)
- Clear understanding and experience in directly implementing primary qualitative data collection (key informant interviews, focus group discussion, participatory qualitative methods, etc.)
- Clear understanding and experience of quality assurance in data collection.
- Ability to provide technical advice and support
- Experience of providing training and capacity building to program and M & E staff on M&E, learning processes
- Excellent communication skills; able to work as part of a team and establish relationships with field staff.
- Understanding of the current M&E trends systems especially on livelihoods promotion, Natural Resources management, in Health and Nutrition programs.
- Have profound skill on Analytical and research.
- Excellent computer knowledge with command on MS Excel among other packages of MS Office.
- Willing to undertake regular field visits and interact with different stakeholders, especially primary stakeholders
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, facilitation skills and writing skills
- Time management and ability to priorities multiple tasks, Self-motivated person able to work without close supervision.
Job related experience and knowledge:
- Demonstrated experience in developing/designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating plans and associated quantitative and qualitative tools
- Demonstrated experience in integrating gender, DRR, HIV/AIDS, environmental protection, accountability other cross cutting issues into public health promotion.
- The logical framework approach and other strategic planning approaches
- Information assessment, analysis and report writing skills
- Managing partnerships especially Local Government
How to Apply
Interested applicants should send non-returnable C.V., application letter outlining how their experience and education fit this vacancy, please note that no need to submit your supporting documents at this stage:
Apply at OR in person at our Office in Gondar.
Safeguarding at Concern: Code of Conduct and its Associated Policies
Concern has an organisational Code of Conduct (CCoC) with three Associated Policies; the Programme Participant Protection Policy (P4), the Child Safeguarding Policy and the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Policy. These have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants from exploitation, and to clarify the responsibilities of Concern staff, consultants, visitors to the programme and partner organisation, and the standards of behaviour expected of them. In this context, staff have a responsibility to the organisation to strive for, and maintain, the highest standards in the day-to-day conduct in their workplace in accordance with Concern’s core values and mission. Any candidate offered a job with Concern Worldwide will be expected to sign the Concern Staff Code of Conduct and Associated Policies as an appendix to their contract of employment. By signing the Concern Code of Conduct, candidates acknowledge that they have understood the content of both the Concern Code of Conduct and the Associated Policies and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of these policies. Additionally, Concern is committed to the safeguarding and protection of vulnerable adults and children in our work. We will do everything possible to ensure that only those who are suitable to work or volunteer with vulnerable adults and children are recruited by us for such roles. Subsequently, working or volunteering with Concern is subject to a range of vetting checks, including criminal background checking.
Women and people with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply