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Medical Education Webinar by Ethiopian Medical Association – 1.5 CEU

Medical Education Webinar by Ethiopian Medical Association – 1.5 CEU, September 7 2022




The Ethiopian Medical Association (EMA), the first professional association in the country, was formally established in July 1962 through a formal Charter granted to it by the then Emperor Haile Selassie I. The Association was from the beginning named “The Ethiopian Medical Association” (EMA) and has retained the name to date, except between 1985 and 1992 during the Derg regime when it was called “Ethiopian Medical Doctors’ Association” (EMDA).

EMA publishes Ethiopian oldest medical journal, The “Ethiopian Medical Journal” (EMJ) which is the official organ of the Ethiopian Medical Association (EMA). The journal is first appeared under the title of both Amharic “የኢትዮጵያ ሕክምና ጋዜጣ” and English “Ethiopian Medical Journal” on July, 1962. Since then, the quarterly journal played an important role in keeping record for the progress of scientific medicine, and to assist in rendering the practice of medicine in all its branches in Ethiopia and Africa at large.

In the mid 1980’s (’85-86) the Ethiopian government in power formed the Workers’ Party of Ethiopia (WPE) which restricts all EMA’s Activities.



CME Session

Ethiopian Medical Assocation is inviting you to a Medical Education Webinar:-

Topic: Simulation-Based Education

Speaker: Solomon Worku Beza
(MD, IMPH, Fellow Med.Edu)

Moderator: Dr. Demeke Mekonnen
(MD, Consultant Specialist, Pediatrics and pediatric cardiology, Medical Educator)

Date: September 09, 2022 03:00 PM

Modality: Online via zoom

Allocated CEU: 1.5 CEU


How to Register

Register Using the Link Below




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