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Youth Friendly Service Officer needed at Amref Health Africa

Youth Friendly Service Officer needed at Amref Health Africa, June 19 2022

Organization: Amref Health Africa

Position: Youth Friendly Service Officer

Job Time: Full-Time

Job Type: Contract

Place of Work: Addis Ababa/Debre birhan, Ethiopia

Application Deadline: June, 25/2022 




Job description


Amref Health Africa is seeking a Youth Friendly Services Officer to provide technical assistance and support for the France Development Agency (AFD) funded project. This Officer is responsible for technical assistance and guidance to ensure the availability, accessibility, and utilization of integrated, evidence-based, and high-quality youth-friendly services across health, education, and financial sectors in the selected cities. S/he will coordinate with the M&E unit to identify barriers to youth-friendly service across these sectors and collaboratively design strategies with youth and other stakeholders to help them overcome these barriers.

The Officer will provide technical support such as capacity-building training, workshops, consultative meetings with relevant stakeholders, supportive supervision, and development tools and guidelines that will contribute to a quality Youth Friendly Service in the implementation area. The Officer will also advocate for the implementation of youth-friendly service provision in a different setting where youth assemble including in private and public institutions to impact key decision-makers.


The Officer will support the technical assistance and implementation of the youth-friendly services in the health, education, and financial sectors in AFD-funded youth project. S/he will:

  • Coordinate mapping of youth-serving private and public institutions/departments in the intervention city;
  • Support the identification of barriers to the youth-friendly services in each intervention city and design a strategy;
  • Support the development of context-specific youth-friendly service packages with full youth participation;
  • Facilitate the identification of needs to provide capacity building for both Health professionals and government stakeholders on institutionalizing youth-friendly services;
  • Develop tools, approaches, and capacity-building programs to enhance the capacity of youth, youth-serving organizations, and service providers to youth;
  • Work closely with youth groups to increase awareness of, demand for, and access to youth-friendly services;
  • Ensure friendly youth services mainstreaming in different youth-serving and youth-led private and public institutions, such as the youth hubs, youth centers, health facilities, industrial parks, and Higher Education Institutions including TVET;
  • Identify youth-friendly service setups, working conditions, and responsible groups and organize experience-sharing workshops, technical support, agreements, supervision, networking and facilitating the learning process;
  • Strengthen the capacity of young people, through mentorship and coaching.
  • Develop and implement capacity strengthening plans. Develop tools, checklists, and guides to facilitate assessment and knowledge transfer.
  • Provide technical assistance and support to the private and public implementation site Health Centers.
  • Working closely with M&E officer to contribute to tracking and documentation of achievements and challenges including key learnings and best practices;
  • In collaboration with the direct supervisor, contribute to the development of work plans and annual implementation plans that are consistent with the activity goals and objectives;
  • Timely submission of narrative reports and oral presentations on the project.
  • Prepare update reports on project progress, achievements, challenges, and way forwards toward meeting deliverables.


Job requirements


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Health or health-related field from a recognized university;
  • Minimum of five years of experience implementing youth development activities (e.g., health, education, economic empowerment), with at least two years of senior-level experience;
  • Experience in youth program management, particularly in youth-friendly service provision, meaningful youth participation/engagement/advocacy skills;
  • Experience in collaborating with a variety of Ethiopian stakeholders such as youth, government officials, NGOs, donors, the private sector, and community-based organizations;
  • Experience in developing and implementing effective capacity strengthening models and approaches for stakeholders;
  • Experience in conducting training in out-of-reach sites;
  • Experience working collaboratively with youth from diverse backgrounds;
  • Strong presentation, reporting, and communication skills;
  • Strong ability in proper documentation of activities;
  • Spoken and written fluency in English and Amharic;
  • Excellent computer skills using Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, Teams, and PowerPoint and proper communication via email;

How to Apply

To Apply for this vacancy Click on the ‘Apply Now’  button below. Please make sure that you have read the requirements section very well before you apply.



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