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SNNPR Health Bureau is looking for Regional Family Planning/ Reproductive Health Program Officer


SNNPR Health Bureau is looking for Regional Family Planning/ Reproductive Health Program Officer, April 26 2022



Regional Family Planning Program Officer



Organization: SNNPR Health Bureau

Position: Regional Family Planning/ Reproductive Health Program Officer

Gender: Female

Employment: 6 months contract (with possibility for extension)

Deadline: April 29 2022





Job description



Family planning is one of the high impact and cost effective Intervention that makes a leading contribution to the reduction of maternal and child morbidity and mortality. In the past two decades, Ethiopia has made a significant progress In decreasing maternal mortality ratio (MMR) and under-five mortality in Its stride to attain MDG 4 and 5 goals. However, according to UN 2017 estimate, MMR still stands at 401/100,000 live birth (LB)–and under-five mortality at 67/1000 LB. The contrareptive prevalence rate (CPR) In Ethiopia has steadily Increased from 8% in 2000 to 41.4, unmet need has declined from 37% in 2000 to 16 % in 2016 and total fertility rate (TFR) from 6.4 in 2000 to 4.1 In 2019 (EDHS 2000, 2016 and Mini DHS 2019) with a huge disparity among regions and various socio-demographic groups.

The Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP) II, has put an ambitious targets of attaining an increase In CPR from 41% to 50%, a decrease in unmet need for FP from 22% to 19%, a decrease In TFR from 4.1 to 3.23, and a decrease in teenage pregnancy from 12.5% to 7 %. A decrease In MMR from 401 to 277/100,000 LB and a decrease in under five mortality from 59 to 43/100,000 LB In 2024/26.

Global evidence showed that maternal mortality-ratio (MMR) could decrease by 1/ 3rd while underfive mortality by 10% with the use of FP service (Sufedin et al in the lancet, June 2012). Despite significant achievements, Ethiopia’s health outcomes remain the lowest in the world and the country Is experiencing a heavy burden of disease mainly attributed to communicable infectious diseases, nutritional deficiencies, non-communicable diseases and Injuries. Specifically, to the SRH services, there is still high unmet needs for family planning, low access to safe abortion services and its estimated about 36% of all pregnancies are unintended which definitely demands increasing access and utilization of quality family planning and safe abortion services. Hence, increasing FP service uptake, Improve access for safe abortion service and reduce unmet need for family planning are a key Interventions to contribute In reduction of maternal and child mortality. As indicated in National health policy comprehensive package of health services should provide as much as possible and it recognizes reproductive health (RH) rights and equitable access to service to be Important strategies.

The Ministry of health Is committed to attain the Health sector transformation plan (HSTP) II and sustainable development (SDG) targets, by using Family planning (FP) as one of the key strategy to improve maternal and child health and bring about socioeconomic development of the country.

With regards, the Ministry of health In collaboration with RHB and with support Of Buffett Foundation has planned to deploy 11 (eleven) Regional RH/FP officers who are physician to coordinate and provide technical assistances for family Planning and comprehensive abortion care.


13. Summit periodic technical and financial report as required by RHB

Duration of the Employment is 6 months with possible Extension

Duty station: Regional Health Bureau (RHBs),City administration Health Bureaus

Required number: one (for each region)


Required Competencies:


Candidate of national RH/FP program officer requires the following competencies:-

• Technical and good communication skills that communicating in a credible and effective way;

• Analytical and functional Knowledge and skill

• Fostering Integration and teamwork

• Building collaboration, promotion and partnership

Education (Qualifications)

Essential: Medical doctorate degree and special training RH/ FP Is plus


Essential: 0-6 months experience in Public health programs, preferably in RH/FP

Language skills: Amharic, English, regional languages would be an asset

Other Skills:

Computer literacy: proficient In use of Microsoft office applications and statistical softwares.

How to Apply


Applicants who fulfill the minimum requirements can register in person at the human resources administration and development directorate bureau number 008

N.B. Applicants should bring original and copy of educational credentials and experience letter

Date of Exam: Will be announced with internal announcement



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