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MOH e-Library portal





By definition an electronic or online library is where one can have access to books, journals, novels, articles, or any other information over net.

The Ministry of Health e-Library portal provides health, nutrition specialists and development agents with resources to support their work to improve efficiency and  productivity on programs and projects.

The resources on MOH e-Library portal have been developed by the ministry of health, partners and stakeholders and are uploaded on the platform to be used at wider scale.

The MoH e-Library portal provides users with access to an extensive library of training materials, tools, templates, videos and e-learning courses. These resources aim to support health and nutrition specialists, extension staff and decision-makers in the health sector as they work to scale-up health services in Ethiopia.


How do I use the MoH e-Library Portal?

The MoH e-Library Portal provides a collection of searchable tools, guidance documents, templates and other learning materials to support capacity development specialists in designing, delivering and evaluating training activities in the health sector.



Begin your search by using the filters below to find specific resources. Many resources are available in Amharic, Tigrigna and Afaan Oromoo – use the Language filter to find resources in your language.

Search fields: Thematic area, Document Type, Language, Search (open text)


To use the Resources:

  • Filter results by Thematic Area, Document Type, and Language by choosing from the drop-down menus.
  • Use one or more search filters to define the type of resource. Most filters allow you to select multiple options – using more than one filter will narrow results to entries that satisfy all filters.
  • Title and content search is also possible through the search field.
    The results will automatically update as you add or remove filters. You can add or remove filters to refine the results.
  • The results section displays results in alphabetical order. Click on any of the results to view more details and access the resources.


How to start using the MOH e-Library portal

You can start using the e-Library right away by going to the link below

You can apply filters to help narrow search results and come across results that suit your needs.


Go to MOH E-Library 


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