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Max Planck Summer Internship in Germany 2022 | Fully Funded




Max Planck Summer Internship 2022 in Germany is an outstanding opportunity for the students to experience a professional environment for work and it serves as a splendid headstart for a better future. The Max Planck internship 2022 aims at making the students well versed and more knowledgeable about theoretical studies by providing them the platform where the student can practically implement their learned skills. The fully-funded internship for international students is a golden opportunity to excel in a multifarious way. One of them is that the Max Planck interns are given chance to join labs at the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology for free. The other one is that the talented students are being supervised by world-class mentors and kab attendants who help them to broaden their understanding and learning.

Max Planck Institute of Neurology is a world-known institute when it comes to life sciences, its problems, and its world-changing solutions. Moreover, the institute has top-class research centers regarding nervous system development and mechanism. Luckily, the Max Planck summer internships also prove a way for the students to become part of the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry as well. The students in these labs perform transparent research without any outer pressure and interference. In this summer paid internship program the interns are being offered a range of research fields related to structural computational and developmental biology as well as the research related to molecular biology, biophysics, and neurobiology.

The fully-funded summer internship 2022 in Europe is for enthusiastic and self-motivated students who have leadership skills great potential to make a change in this world through their research and innovation. Excellent students from all over the world can join internship opportunities in Max Planck societies labs and can start their careers with a bright spot in their CVs. The full-time ten weeks internship is not only confined to the practical work in the labs but also comprises numerous social activities like lab parties, hiking, sports activities, PhD activities, the most awaited institute summer parties as well as in-house lectures.

One of the major constraints that international students face when they come to Germany for study or internship is the language problem. However, in this case, the students will be having an edge because, at both collaborative institutes, the working language world be English. Apart from all the practical and financial benefits, the most precious thing is the cultural experience as well as the natural experience of the institute’s vicinity. Both institutes are located door-to-door at the life Science Campus Martinsried which is situated at the outskirts of Munich. The area is near the mesmerizing and majestic Bavarian Alps. All these attractions are more than enough for a potential candidate to apply for a MaxSIP 2022 in Germany and to strive for a better future.

Max Planck Summer Internship in Germany 2022:

Host Country:

  • Germany

Host Organization:

  • International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS)


  • Up to 10 weeks

Benefits of Max Planck Internship in 2022:

  • The interns will be provided with a monthly stipend of approx 800 Euros.
  • The accommodation of the interns will be covered.
  • Travel costs of the interns will be reimbursed through the Max Planck internship grants.

Eligibility Criteria of Max Planck Summer Internship in Germany 2022:

  • All international undergraduates can apply.
  • The undergraduates must be getting training or education in related fields such as Biology, chemistry, bioinformatics, biophysics, neuroscience, etc.
  • The bachelor’s and master’s students must have some research experience during their studies.
  • The applicants are required to be enrolled in university during internship time.
  • If the students have completed their degree, the degree must be completed in 2022.

How to Apply for Max Planck Summer Internship in Germany 2022?

  • The applicants have to get themselves registered online.
  • The applicants have to log in to the MaxSIP application portal and invite at least two referees.
  • The applicants have to choose any three research groups from the given list.
  • The applicants are not required to contact the lab heads directly.
  • Provide all your relevant documents and submit your application through the portal before the deadline.

Required Documents for Max Planck Summer Internship 2022:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Academic Transcripts
  • Degree certificate (if applicable)
  • Provisional transcripts
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Letter of motivation
  • A language certificate (IELTS or TOEFL).

Max Planck Internship 2022 Deadline:

  • Deadline for registrations: February 10th, 2022 (20:00 CET)
  • Deadline of application: February 15th, 2022 (24:00 CET)

Apply Now   Official Link



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