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How to become a good presenter – A guide to better Articulation


How to become a good presenter, Doctors Online Ethiopia, December 19 2021


In this article, we see “how to become a good presenter.” Articulate means being able to express thoughts and ideas easily and well. When you are articulated, people view the speaker as an educated and cultured mind, and people will listen to you and respect you.

Tips for a better articulation


Here are some most effortless ways to become articulate speaker:

  • Pitch Variation: 

You have to be careful about your voice frequencies so that audience would feel interested and connected to what you have said in the speech.

  • Voice Projection:

Your voice has to reach your audience; those who are 15-20 feet away from you can listen to your voice. You have to keep your voice intensity good so that people can clearly understand you and follow you whatever you say. You have to draw the attention of your audience through your voice.

  • Pause:

You have to take pauses before using any words and phrases, whatever you want to describe.

  • Careful about length variation:

You have to be careful about the overload of information. You can use short sentences after long sentences and in this way people will connect with you quickly.


  • Improvement of yourself:

You can record your presentation and listen to it after recording. You can judge yourself whether your speech is becoming too sleep-inducing or energizing. You also can find out that whether you are presenting pleasantly or irritatingly. If you did not judge yourself, then maybe people could find these facts during your speech and feel disconnected, which will harm your speech when you see the audience’s dissatisfaction.


  • Speed Variation:

To become an articulate speaker, you have to slow down your speech when you will explain any words and phrases. You have to give a chance to people to understand what you are trying to make them understand. You can speed up your speech when you find that your audiences already understand the concept.


  • Portray confidence and self-assurance: 

You have to look confident when people see that you are sure about yourself; they can connect with you. You have to look confident in your speaking and whatever you are telling your audiences. Your audiences will listen to you carefully when they see you with a confident look. It is believed that many people feel attracted to this quality. Another fact, when you look less confident and dull audience cannot connect them with you.


  • Vocabulary usage: 

You have to understand your audiences’ experiences and perceived concepts and give a speech based on their experiences and understanding. Another fact, you have to use easy vocabulary so that your audience can easily catch your concepts.


  • Talk with a harmonious rhythm: 

To become an articulate speaker, one has to keep the natural flow in your speech, pleasing for the ears. In addition, you have to make harmony within your phrases and words to be like notes on the music sheet.


  • Practice:

You can practice your speech by using recorders. You can use audio editors for repeating specific sentences and paragraphs until they sound pleasant to you. You have to practice your speech every day for 15-20 minutes. You have to emphasize words, sentences, and paragraphs that are most difficult for you to articulate.


  • Visualize: 

You have to visualize yourself in front of large crowds. Then, you can develop yourself and you can easily remove your hesitation. Lack of articulation raises tension and anxiety. When you can able to remove the fear, you can speak spontaneously in your speech.


  • Posture: 

When you are giving a speech, you have to pay attention to your standing style. You have to think about whether it is looking sober or not.


  • Concise:

 You have to present your thoughts precisely so that the audience can easily understand your topic. For this reason, you have to generate ideas for reaching out to huge people through that topic within limited words.


  • Use your hands: 


If you do not use your hands, you look less confident in front of your audience. However, if you use hands in your speech, your audience will easily understand the meaning of phrases and sentences by hand gestures.


  • Limit distractions

 if you use ‘um’ or ‘uh’ in your presentation, then audiences could not connect with you. If you focus on your message, then you can deliver it articulately.


  • Expand your knowledge base:

You have to keep vast literature knowledge and for this reason, you have to read different books. Another fact, if you talk with intelligent people, gradually you can start to communicate wisely. When your audiences find you intellectual one in the speech, they show their interest more in your speech.


  • Tell a story:

 When you tell a story to your audiences, that illustrates your point and also you look articulate throughout the speech. For this reason, you have to practice telling a story which will help you to fine-tune it.


  • Join a speech club:

 If you join a speech club, it will help you to keep in touch with like-minded people. In addition, you can learn about how to captivate audiences and become a more articulate speaker.

Quick hacks to reach maximum audiences :

  • Listen to yourself
  • Do not hesitate to pronounce a word in front of audiences
  • Keep simple your speech
  • Forget the filler
  • Give attention to your audiences

Above from the discussion, it could be said that, if you want to be an excellent public speaker, keep in mind that you have to be knowledgeable and at the same time, you have to speak precisely.

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