Clinical Services Coordinator
- Job Description:
Vacancy Announcement
Position Title:Clinical Services Coordinator
Function:USAID MULU Key Populations Activity
Reports to: IFI Manager- Tigray
Based in: Mekelle
Duration of contract: Six Months.
Remuneration: As per organization pay scale.
Application Deadline: June 23, 2021
Who we are?
We’re Population Services International (PSI), the world’s leading non‐profit social marketing organization. We work to make it easier for people in the developing world to lead healthier lives and plan the families they desire by marketing affordable products and services that range from mosquito nets to contraceptives to HIV testing. We are a $560m enterprise based in Washington, DC, operating in the private and public sectors in more than 65 countries.
Join us!
There are over 9,000 “PSI’ers” around the world. It’s a diverse group of entrepreneurs and professionals with an unusually wide range of backgrounds – from the medical industry to the music business – all with unique skills we bring to the job.
PSI/Ethiopia wants reimagine healthcare, put the consumer at the center, and whenever possible, bring quality care to the front door. We achieve health impact in Ethiopia by working with both government and private partners and harvesting technology innovation to bring quality care closer to communities, schools, and homes. We empower consumers by including them in the design of healthcare solutions, offering them more healthcare choices, and helping them to have a voice in influencing national priorities. We work with all market actors in the health system to understand their needs, designing and delivering solutions so that market systems can sustainably serve consumers for the long term, helping to support the Government of Ethiopia in achieving Universal Health Coverage.
We are looking fora dynamic Clinical Services Coordinator who has strong demonstrate experience working with the most vulnerable key and high priority populations. The Clinical Services Coordinator support the achievement of the USAID HIV service strategy to put HIV positive key and priority population at the center and reach their sexual networks to identify cases, link to treatment, and track across the continuum of care by (i) coordinating a team of integrated clinical network specialists and community partners and network of DICs to start and scale-up ART services; (ii) exchanging lessons to implement key and priority populations ART program; and (iii) helping in scaling up PPN facilities.
Key Result Areas:
- Program delivery effectiveness (Achieve clinical targets on HIV positives identified, HTS, FP, and integration of services including STIs and HIV data analysis and action through private and public facilities in Tigray; GBV clinical services are designed and rolled out in the context of a comprehensive response to GBV)
- Capacity building (accreditation standard for network of providers in public, private and NGO-supported facilities; ICT/PNS/SNS, PrEP and HIV self-test scale up.
- Stakeholder engagement (Tigray RHB, Woreda Health Offices)
- Quality assurance/quality improvement
Sounds like you? Read on!
Your contribution
Under the direction of the Tigray IFI Manager, you will:
- Oversee local implementing partners providing integrated clinical services, including HIV testing services, Test and Treat, STI diagnosis and treatment, TB screening and referral, sexual and reproductive health, gender-based violence prevention and response, and other services.
- Lead HIV self-testing community-based scale-up; network of a private, public, worksite, and DICs for integrated and comprehensive services including fixed worksite facilities.
- Lead paper and electronic-based system and operation of USAID’s HIV Services for key and priority population.
- Ensure compliance in voucher management.
- Integrate USAID-supported HIV services and collaborate with other PSI and non-PSI initiatives to avail integrated SRH, NCD, and HIV services.
- Coordinate Data to Action (D2A) rollout at all levels to establish a decentralized data use for planning and decision making.
- Work with USAID community partners, FGAE confidential clinics, public facilities, and private facilities to ensure linkage outside project treatment sites.
- Work with a team of integrated clinical services for compliance in meeting 95-95-95 goals.
- Oversee financial and operation management of LIPs, civil societies and achieve the project goal of providing integrated and synergistic clinical service.
- Support standardization and accreditation of clinical private, public, and worksite facilities for QA.
- Coordinate commodity quantification forecast and distribution of network facilities in collaboration with the supply chain.
- Coordinate and oversee the provision of quality comprehensive services for key and priority populations at DIC and public sector facilities.
- Conduct regular support and supervision visits to LIPs points of services and identifies areas for improvement to meet the target
- Ensure timely and quality submission of reports per national guidelines.
- Job Requirements:
- What are we looking for? The basics
- Master’s degree in Public health, Nursing, sociology, developmental studies or related fields with three (3) years of demonstrated experience
- Bachelor’s degree in Public health, Nursing, sociology, developmental studies with five (5) years of demonstrated experience
What would get us excited?
- Demonstrated experience in HIV comprehensive services provision of which two years is in integrated clinical network of service providers.
- Preferable to have taken training in HTS and national standards.
- Proficient in English and Amharic languages, both written and verbal communication.
- How To Apply:
- Are you intrigued? Apply!
By following our 3 steps application process:
1. Fill out the application form using the following link: Online Application Form. It will only take 5 to 10 minutes.
2. Send your CV and application letter to [email protected] clearly mark “ApplicationforClinical Services CoordinatorPosition” in the subject line.
3. Check your email and make sure you receive an automatic response acknowledging receipt of your application that means your application was successful. If you don’t receive the automatic response, check again your subject line and if needed, re-submit your CV and application letter with the correct subject.
Application deadline June 23, 2021. We’ll call or e-mail you back if there is a good fit on both sides.
PSI is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages applications from qualified individuals regardless of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or disability.
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