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United Nations Scholarships for International Students 2021

United Nations Scholarships for International Students 2021;


Scholarships for International students: The United Nations is a well organized intergovernmental organization responsible for maintaining international peace and developing friendly relations among nations, achieving international cooperation, and being a center for harmonizing the actions of nations. United Nations scholarships are offered to international students, by United Nations for study or research purposes. These are also called as financial aid and many times the financial aid office of the United Nations deals with it.

Below are the available scholarships for for least developed countries (LDC)

  • LDCs are given preference in grants to travel to attend the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings.
  • The University of California Berkeley Law School LDC Scholarship is available to eligible students admitted to its LL.M. professional track program
  • IPCC Scholarship Programme is available for young scientists from developing countries working on issues related to climate change. Students from LDCs and SIDS researching topics within the field of study indicated in the call for applications are given priority.
  • The Organization for Women for Science for Developing World (OWSD) has instituted a fellowship programme for female students from Sub-Saharan Africa and LDCs, who wish to pursue postgraduate training leading to a Ph.D. outside their home countries.



  • UNESCO/Republic of Korea Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme offers 25 2-month scholarships for nationals of LDCs in the area of education
  • UNITAR provides fellowships for diplomatic training
  • Nationals of LDCs and other developing countries are given high priority for scholarships for the University of Barcelona´s Master of Laws in International Economic Law and Policy (IELPO LL.M.). Between 2008 and 2018, ten recipients were from LDCs: Afghanistan(1), Cambodia(1), Ethiopia (4), Uganda (2) and Tanzania (2). More information at IELPO Scholarship Programme
  • The UNESCO/Keizo Obuchi Research Fellowships Programme offers 20 fellowshipws per year for the benefit of developing countries, especially LDCs, for research on environment, intercultural dialogue, information and communication technologies and peaceful conflicts resolution. Between 2001 and 2015, 74 fellows from 26 LDCs received the award. More information at UNESCO Keizo Obuchi fellowships

  • The Government of Israel provides fellowships for the benefit of developing countries, especially the LDCs, within the framework of the UNESCO Fellowships Programme. Beneficiaries of these fellowships participate in a variety of training courses in Israel, conducted under the sponsorship of MASHAV, Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation. More information: UNESCO information page, Weitz Center for Development Studies
  • The Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) is a global community, bringing together a wide variety of security and incident response teams including product security teams from the government, commercial, and academic sectors. Its members have resolved a continuous stream of security-related attacks and incidents including handling security vulnerabilities affecting computer systems and networks throughout the world connected by the Internet. FIRST annually offers up to two teams from LDCs the ability to participate in the FIRST community. Teams from the following countries were admitted to the FIRST Fellowship Program: Bangladesh (2014), Uganda (2015), Tanzania (2015), Bangladesh (2016), Myanmar (2016). More information at FIRST Fellowship Program



  • The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) Research Professors Programme provides institutions and research groups located in LDCs with the opportunity to establish long-term links with TWAS members to assist in research activities and advanced training and so help develop the local scientific capacities. TWAS is an international science academy, founded in 1983 in Trieste, Italy, by a group of scientists from the South under the leadership of the late Nobel laureate Abdus Salam of Pakistan. Within the framework of the programme, TWAS Members are appointed to institutions in LDCs for a period of five years, during which they visit the host institution three times for a minimum stay of one month each time. Programme details

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